
Everything you need to protect your entire cyber domain

#1 platform for External Landscape Threat Detection

Continuous Insight

Continuous Overview

Continuous Grip

Constantly discover, mitigate, evaluate and mitigate your attack surface

1. Discover all the (forgotten) digital assets

The ReConfirm platform prevents attacks and helps meet the key elements of the most common security frameworks and many regulatory standards for cyber security.

2. Limit where hackers take advantage

The ReConfirm platform achieves this by discovering and testing your entire attack surface, prioritizing what needs to be fixed first, and validating recovery automatically.

3. Evaluate and mitigate

Through continuous visibility into your entire attack surface, you always have a grip on your digital landscape, making you measurably secure.

Uniquely found vulnerabilities
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Uniquely found data breaches
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Smart capabilities for finding security risks
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What is the difference

ReConfirm versus other platforms

ReConfirm - External Landscape Threat Detection

Traditional ASM platform 

Vulnerability Scanner (like Nessus)

Vulnerability Management




Vulnerability Scanning




Asset Discovery




Advanced Scan Intelligence & modes




Digital Footprint Monitoring




DarkWeb Scanning




Leaked Credentials




Sensitive Document Discovery




Static & Active Discovery


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Historical Search


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Continuous Penetration Testing


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Web Security Scanning


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Third-Party Risk Management



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Continuous Monitoring



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Port Scanning




Find API keys, tokens, passwords, etc.




Dangerous Neigboring Domains




Advanced External security threat intelligence




Actionable intel & Reporting 


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Continuous DNS monitoring




Custom Integrations



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In a nutshell

ReConfirm offers a complete, continuously updated inventory of the risks in your organization and supply chain partners, and provides insight through a single, clear dashboard.

Instant insight through overview, quickly and effectively.

Know exactly and immediately what is risky for your organization.

Easy to prioritize, manage and mitigate.

Discover your shadow IT and secure the unknown.

Continuous monitoring on every digital change.

Understanding security risks in yourself and your suppliers.

Get a grip, overview and insight with ReConfirm